Office of Administrative Hearings

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Medicaid hearings

When a Medicaid member, provider, or other interested party is dissatisfied with an action taken by Utah Medicaid, a hearing may be requested by filing a hearing request.
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Go to more info about human services administrative hearings

Human services administrative hearings

OAH conducts fair hearings for most divisions of DHHS including: Division of Child and Family Services, Division of Services for People with Disabilities, Office of Recovery Services, Division of Licensing and Background Checks, and Adult Protective Services.
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Go to more info about GRAMA appeals

GRAMA appeals

The director of the Office of Administrative Hearings acts as the Chief Administrative Officer for the purpose of addressing appeals of records access determinations under the Government Records Access Management Act.
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Visit the portal to submit a public record request

Open records requests

Utah's Open Records Portal (ORP) is the central site from which a user can submit a public records (GRAMA) request to a governmental entity.
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Review Medicaid hearing decisions from previous years here

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Have questions?

Please reach out to us with questions or concerns.

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (801) 538-3900