Twenty-eight Utah cases now reported as part of nationwide outbreak
What: The Utah Department of Health (UDOH), along with partners at local health departments and other medical providers, are investigating cases of severe lung disease in people who report vaping nicotine or THC products.
As of today, there are 28 confirmed cases associated with the outbreak and an additional 14 potential cases being investigated.
The UDOH will have staff available for interviews at 2 p.m. this afternoon. See below for details.
Who: Angela Dunn, MD
State Epidemiologist
Utah Department of Health
When: Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2019
2 p.m.
Where: Utah Department of Health – Cannon Health Building
288 North 1460 West
Salt Lake City
Room 125
Media Contact:
Rebecca Ward
(office) 801-538-6682
(cell) 801-342-1270