Report an Accident or Injury


Report An Incident Or Injury

If you are involved in an accident or injury, whether it’s yourself, a client, a foster child or other individual, each incident should be reported to Risk Management. Please fill out the following form with a detailed description of what happened and including as much information as possible.

You are also required to notify your supervisor of the incident. If you have been injured while working for the Department of Human Services (DHS) and you have sought medical attention for your injury, check the box that indicates you were injured and proceed in filling out the injury report portion of the form. By law, this injury report form is due within 7 days of an injury if you have sought or seeking medical attention.

Fill out an incident report

*If you are experiencing problems accessing the form, please view this document for instructions.


Emergency Planning

The Bureau of Administrative Support assists each Agency and Division in their emergency planning efforts throughout the State. We encourage all Divisions, Offices and Institutions to routinely participate in scheduled and unscheduled emergency drills to practice preparedness efforts and emergency response. Examples of disaster planning guidelines and templates are available online at FEMA Disaster Planning.