About DHHS

Vision • Strategic Plan • Org chart

Problem Statement

The current health and human services model and accompanying policies have led to a fragmented system of services creating unnecessary barriers and challenges to accessing care for those most in need. These systemic challenges contribute to inequities in health outcomes and determinants of health. A consolidated department will reduce these challenges and improve outcomes for all Utahns, particularly those within communities where disparities are greatest.


The Department of Health and Human Services will advocate for, support, and serve all individuals and communities in Utah. We will ensure all Utahns have fair and equitable opportunities to live safe and healthy lives. We will achieve this through effective policy and a seamless system of services and programs.

How we get there

We will:

Ensure quality care, services, and programs are accessible where and when they’re needed.
Foster safe and supportive environments.
Improve health outcomes, both physical and mental.
Create a high-quality and efficient department.
Build public trust in DHHS.

Our strategic plan

Click the image below to download our plan.

Utah DHHS Current R B A plan
View our Performance Measures Scorecard
Flowchart showing how DOH has been merged into Utah's DHHS

Utah cannot afford a delay in improving delivery of critical services to our underserved and marginalized communities. To ensure we have the right structure in place that better serves individuals and families as quickly as possible, the Executive Office of the Governor and legislature supported the passage of H.B. 365 State Agency Realignment during the 2021 general legislative session.

The statute directs the consolidation of the state’s two primary social service agencies: the Utah Department of Health (UDOH) and Department of Human Services (DHS), creating the Utah Department of Health and Human Services by July 1, 2022. A small piece of Medicaid eligibility components will move from the Department of Health to the Department of Workforce Services (DWS). These functions include Medicaid Eligibility Quality Control (MEQC), and eligibility adjudications. The proposed change will not move all of Medicaid to Workforce Services.

D H H S organizational chart